Welcome to our blog for our trip to Europe. We start in Ireland, then go to England and finally to France. We look forward to your comments.

Sunday 12 August 2012

A long day getting to Ireland

The tortuous part of the flying is behind us. The first 13 hours of the trip were as pain free as is possible. We did get a bonus in that we must have had a tail wind and cut the travel time by an hour. … the God’s were with us. We wonder what Ethan would think of all the Sheiks walking around the airport in the full length Arabic clothes.

The other blessing was the Ali’ Abadi transit lounge. Away from the hustle and bustle of the main transit lounges. This was a little oasis, where we were able to shower, eat reasonable food, including beautiful fresh dates and other fresh fruit, honey poached apricots and dates (yum), and a real flat white coffee.

The flight to Dublin was easy after the first leg. Dublin airport was all very new but it still took about 2 hours to get through immigration and collect the hire car. Starting to get used to the Irish accents and the adjective ‘fecking’ used regularly and with gusto!

Surprised that it is about 20 degrees with the occasional bit of gentle Irish rain.

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